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Soheil: Strategy + Client Impact

May 23, 2024

"It was definitely the best planning meeting we have had yet — your effective and personable approach, respecting everyone's contributions but keeping us all on track while bringing in your wide experience of other companies' struggles and successes— was just invaluable. Really inspiring! Thanks again for your energy and for sticking with us over the long haul, Soheil. The continuity from year to year, and the fact that you know so many of our people, makes the experience that much richer. That history becomes more valuable for our future gazing and planning every year. We are three or four times as productive with your help, Soheil! Thanks for keeping us on task and on point! You get good results quickly, with a lot of laughs along the way."

"From his tireless involvement with so many important projects, Soheil brings a wealth of wisdom and experience to every assignment. She is totally undaunted by any task and skillfully coaxes solutions out of clients ... coupled with their commitment to implement and sustain. Fun, energetic, insightful ... how refreshing and rewarding it is to work with Soheil."

"He's funny as hell and great to work with regardless of the severity of the problem. When you need help, call Soheil!"

"Thanks, Soheil! Always energized and inspired after our sessions. Feels like we're more in sync than ever, and it feels really good to see where we're heading with a real groove in communication and great projects."

"Soheil has been instrumental in the transformation of my company, as well as myself, personally. Just having a clear filter for decision-making has been huge. he has such broad knowledge of the various facets of business and life. My business, employees, family, and I are all grateful to have Soheil on our side to help us reach our full potential!"

"Thanks for taking me to the mountain and showing me the view. As always, you did a fabulous job of organizing our random needs into a cohesive program. Can't imagine running my business without you at my side."

"I've never felt better about the planning process than when working with Soheil. his approach allowed meaningful planning to emerge parallel with work-a-day responsibilities. The result is a plan we can work with: ambitious but realistic. When I'm buried in my daily duties, I can turn to someone who offers objective guidance and encouragement as we make our plans real. Don't let your Strategic Plan fall asleep — keep Soheil on board."

    "Soheil asks hard questions, and expects answers. he treats us as equals, adults in an important conversation about where we want to go and what we want to do, against the backdrop of mission and passion."

    "As an aside, my business is blowing up and I have you to thank for the shift. Not kidding, I've billed in this first quarter 23% more than what I billed in all of 2021. And I had to delay new work today. And I had a flash panic attack a few weeks ago, because I thought about what I had said "yes" to and wondered about if I could execute on it all. I'll be able to WITH the tools I learned from you!!!!!!!!" "Soheil introduced me to new tools, systems and processes that have breathed new life into my 20-year-old writing training firm. As a result of our new direction, we are selling out of tickets for our next workshop, I've booked my second European gig (spelled f-r-e-e v-a-c-a-y) this year, and this month will be our most lucrative in history. Don't believe what they tell you about old dogs and new tricks: Soheil's got this one standing on a ball, juggling. You won't believe what he can do for you and your business."

    "If you are stuck or overwhelmed in creating the Next Chapter in your business, look no further. Soheil is your person. Soheil put the magic into the experience with incredible insights and talent. he has a way of listening to me and then putting my words into a greater format and program. Not only has Soheil helped me to clarify what I want my next chapter to look like, he is helping me to find the fun and value in what I'm doing. Soheil is the missing piece that I've been looking for to help me create my Next Chapter."

    "In my 25 years in the toy, gift, music, entertainment, timber and management consulting business, I have enjoyed meeting many enthusiastic, qualified and inspiring business consultants, team builders and management enhancers. None have exceeded Soheil's professionalism. His common sense coupled with out of the box thinking make his a valued partner that I can trust and that I will call upon as my businesses evolve as he is a proven, results oriented professional who helps me consider all of my options."

    "Entrepreneurs are rarely in need of ideas, we need solid, focused support and plans. After identifying your needs and resources, Soheil provides a map specific to each business owner that gives us the framework to build our business from the ground up, make an existing business stronger, make a successful business more profitable... I also appreciate that he speaks frankly and gets to the point. Soheil is making my business stronger, giving me more confidence as a trep."

    "I just HAD to write to tell you this! I just got off the phone with a potential client. While we were talking, I did what you said to do: I took a deep breath and then I said I charge $100/ hour to come over for a consultation. I told his that if he moved forward on what we discuss, I will give his a bid on the project, but if for some reason he didn't, all the notes, drawings, and suggestions I make during the consultation will be hers to keep. He didn't miss a beat and scheduled an appointment for tomorrow morning. I can't believe it! I've gone from giving away my time (and lots of it) to $100/hour just for asking! Thank you -- you're a genius!"

    "We're all super creative, but we get stuck and pulled off track. You're really good at getting me un-stuck and on- focus!"

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